Elizabeth Kaldeck Smith

Elizabeth Kaldeck Smith

Retired Special Educator/ Consultant, Writer, Family Historian, Singer

My Publications

Currently, I have published twenty-seven stories on the Medium writers’ platform. I write on a variety of topics that I am passionate about, but I’m primarily a memoirist and a family historian

I Jumped Out of a Plane

When I was young and trying to be fearless

by Elizabeth Kaldeck Smith. Published on Medium, 3/18/2022

E. K. Smith at Sport Parachuting Center in 1971 copyright 2022

My husband is an aviation enthusiast and was a private pilot until it became too costly and many of the small airports closed. He wanted to do parachute jumping and convinced me that it was safe and we should both have the experience. After thinking about it, I decided to try this adventure.

When a Paradise of Rusted Metal Begs to Become Art

The dynamic “junk” metal sculpture of Dr. Robert Kaldeck

by Elizabeth Kaldeck Smith. Published on Medium, 11/30/2021

Peacock, by Dr. Robert Kaldeck copyright 2021

The term “junk art” was first coined by British art critic Lawrence Alloway in 1961 to describe art made from discarded scrap metal, broken pieces of machinery, timber, and other “found” materials. According to the Encyclopedia of Art Education, “this was part of the modernist revolt against the use of traditional materials. Junk art became a movement in the 1950’s when artists like Robert Rauschenberg promoted his combinations of painting and sculpture.